Monthly Archives: July 2023

London: July 2023

This photo of Leicester Square to me describes the image of todays downtown London. In this short posting I intend to highlight views of the city that I witnessed in the last month.

The PRIDE MARCH on July 1 brought out not only people committed to equality, but also added a festival atmosphere to the weekend, culminating in a Trafalgar Square concert with Adam Lambert.

Memories of the Chelsea Flower Show, the annual attraction by the Royal Horticultural Society which is always a a visitor’s dream for plant lovers. This is where you can check out the latest trends in plants, explore the show gardens, and of course catch up with your latest accessories, for home and the back garden.

The streets of London are numerous as you would expect, London Oxford Street is still a crowded path to tread on any regular day; Regent Street is eagerly trying to catch-up with selective shops, and there is Chinatown seen above, an area which has created its own ethnic flavour, and a definite food attraction. Below, inside a department store called John Lewis.

Images around London Bridge where you are always within walking distance of the River Thames, and the famous Borough Market.

Winston James