Around the Greenhouse

It is almost the end of June. The sun is here, and the plants in my greenhouse has finally woken up, and is growing in earnest. Let us have a look at what is happening.

To start off, let us look at this unusual Aloe hybrid of A distans and A pearsonii, called Aloe ‘Hellskloof Bells’ in the first photo.

The Pereskia species are very close to my heart , and even though they are very difficult to grow in our temperate climate. I firmly believe they are worth the effort.

The challenges of online selling are numerous, and even after many years I find myself wishing I was doing something else. But it does provide you with some financial rewards which in some ways make up for it. But I do get unmoved when I have to repeat the cycle of taking photos to keep up with the demands of EBAY.

As far as my Agaves are concerned, the Agave montana has been my conspicuous seller, and that has taken quite by surprise.

Maybe I should end with flowers, using some of my back catalogue. Few of the Pereskias are ready at the moment,

Winston James in Manor Park in London

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